Collection: Therapeutic Ultrasound Machines and Accessories

When working with muscular therapy, it can be tricky to identify trouble spots underneath the skin by touch alone. By utilizing ultrasound technology, caregivers can provide heat or get accurate readings on deep tissue problems and how a patient is progressing in their therapy. MFI carries therapeutic ultrasounds, as well as combination systems that include electrical muscle stimulators.

Therapeutic Ultrasound Units

Therapeutic ultrasound units are available as mobile units, whether on a trolley or by hand-carry. These frequency devices stimulate the tissues, allowing for muscles to expand or contract and speed up the healing process. Amrex offers a unique variety of therapeutic ultrasound devices, where users can decide between probes or electrodes, different output capabilities, and be combined with low volt stimulators for a full coverage treatment.

Electrotherapy Combinations

By pairing therapeutic ultrasound with electrical stimulation, caregivers can provide more focused energy for tired or tense muscles and relieve stress for patients. Electrical stimulators provide low-grade stimulation in various wave modes, depending on the needs of the patient.

Chattanooga offers mobile electrical stimulators that can be mounted onto trolleys or carried by hand in convenient carrying cases. This allows for easy transport around a busy clinic or hospital.

Lotions and Accessories

For proper conduction and clarity during ultrasounds or electrotherapy, caregivers must use lotions and gels on the devices or patient’s skin. MFI carries a variety of gels from trusted brands, as well as gel warmers to keep the solutions at a comfortable temperature for patients.

When it comes to accessories, the most notable are ultrasound applicators. Popular applicator brands include Chattanooga and Mettler, which both offer this tool in various shapes and sizes for different ranges and wave focus.

Specials on Ultrasound Therapy

MFI works closely with therapeutic brands you trust to bring you the best deals on these vital pieces of equipment. We understand that the comfort and well-being of your patients comes first, and work hard to make sure you have the tools to deliver the best treatment. Check out our Specials page monthly, as these deals can change throughout the year.

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