Collection: Chiropractic

Patients the world over depend on chiropractic care to treat and diagnose ailments and pain throughout the body. Typically treating ailments related to the musculoskeletal system, caregivers often use physical and manual therapy, exercise, stretching, massage, sustained pressure, and joint and spinal manipulation to improve joint motion and reduce or eliminate aches and pains.

Even though most chiropractic treatments are delivered by hand, at MFI Medical we know just how important having the proper equipment, tools, and accessories can be to delivering exceptional patient care.

MFI Medical offers a variety of chiropractic supplies such as neuromuscular stimulators, hot and cold therapy supplies, physical therapy tools, massage therapy supplies, and more.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the available chiropractic product types:

Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy is a common method to improve circulation or reduce pain and inflammation during therapeutic sessions. Heat therapy is available in dry or moist heat forms, and helps with increasing circulation and relaxing stiff muscles. Cold therapy can relieve pain, bruising, swelling, and muscle spasms. These temperature therapy methods are most commonly used in physical therapy and sports medicine.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an excellent way to soothe sore muscles and the aches and pains that often come with rehabilitation or physical therapy. By using hands, machines, or massage equipment, caregivers can provide that deep penetration relief that leaves patients feeling refreshed.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is the treatment of injuries or disease by means of exercise, massage, and hot or cold therapy units. MFI carries an assortment of physical therapy supplies, machines, and treatment units to better equip caregivers.

Now let’s dive deeper into a few specific products:

Chattanooga Continuum Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator

The Chattanooga Continuum Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator is a portable device that provides 2-channel electrical stimulation for pain relief and pain management. This device utilizes different waveforms to speed up muscle recovery, enabling patients to feel better quicker. It is incredibly user-friendly and can be used for a variety of therapeutic sessions such as by therapists in clinics or patients at home to provide electrical stimulation treatments in pain management (TENS) and neuromuscular stimulation (EMS/NMES).

Chattanooga Hydrocollator All-Terry Cover

Designed to work in sync with the Hydrocollator Moist Heat HotPacs, Chattanooga Hydrocollator All-Terry Covers insulate heat while protecting the patient from too much heat exposure. Each cover is equipped with hooks and loop closures to prevent slipping. The terry covers are washable and reusable for multiple treatments. These items are valued for high-volume institutional use, and are most often used in rehabilitation, chiropractic, athletic training, and physical therapies.

ICE20 Compression Wrap - Back/Hip

Capable of fitting the upper, mid, and lower back, as well as the left or right hip and glutes, the ICE20 Compression Wrap - Back/Hip can relieve pain in the abdominals, obliques, and pelvis areas. It uses ice compression therapy to provide relief to sore muscles and joints, reduce post surgical inflammation and swelling, and to reduce the need for medication usage. It provides mobility and stability during treatment.

Clinton Folding Parallel Bars

Clinton Folding Parallel Bars are made with the rehabilitative patient in mind. Sturdy, steel upright construction and smooth stainless steel handrails provide the strength for frequent use. Featuring width adjustable, 1.5" (3.8 cm) one-piece, stainless steel handrails to go along with width adjustable floor folding parallel bars with double stiffening rails, these extremely durable parallel bars boast a 350 lb (158.76 kg) load capacity under normal physical therapy use.

Mettler G5 Plus Clinical Massage System

The Mettler G5 Plus Clinical Massage System is the latest G5 massager in a long line of clinical models. It is ideal for physical therapy clinics and sports medicine. It helps in trigger point reduction, treatment of muscle spasm, and pain relief. It is perfect for busy clinics where therapy is done from both sitting and standing positions, and is especially useful for over-the-shoulder applications. G5 Massage Machines are the only massagers with Directional Stroking, not vibration. Using G5 machines over a hot or cold pack seems to drive in the heat or cold. They can be equally effective when used over toweling or clothing, and won't tangle in hair.

Specials and Promotions

MFI Medical partners with some of the most trusted brands in the chiropractic sector such as Chattanooga, ICE20, Clinton, Mettler, Schiller, Zoll, Defibtech, Philips, Edan, and more to be able to bring our customers the best equipment, tools, and accessories at the best price. Thanks to these professional relationships our discounts page offers even more specials and promotions for customers to take advantage of. Be sure to check the page frequently as these offers change throughout the year.

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