Bovie Disposable Low Temperature Micro Fine Tip Cautery (10/Box)

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The Bovie Disposable Low Temperature Micro Fine Tip Cautery (#AA90 / 10 per Box) works at 850 degrees F (454 degrees C). The patented cautery has an impressive four year shelf-life and is individually packaged sterile.

Primary Uses: Pinpoint hemostasis: delicate, oculoplastic, dermal, and minor subcutaneous procedures.

Suggested Uses by Specialty:

  • Neurosurgery: Craniotomy, peripheral nerve repair, and surgery on aneurisms.
  • Ophthalmology: Cataract extraction, corneal transplant, repair of burns and lacerations, strabismus surgery, tumor and cyst removal, enucleation, retinal surgery, keratectomy, and dacryocystorhinostomy.
  • Plastic Surgery: Tendon repair.

The new style Low Temperature Micro Fine Tip Cautery features safety enhancements and changes:

  • The snap-design incorporates a green, recessed, activation button to assist in the prevention of inadvertent activation of the unit, if proper disposable instructions are not followed.
  • The cautery is designed to allow the back-end to be broken open, facilitating the removal of the alkaline batteries. This step also accomplishes a safe disposal of the product by eliminating the energy source.
  • Tip assembly, energy optimization, final testing, printing, packaging, and sterilization are all done in the USA.

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