Bemis Plastic Ring for Suction Canister Wall Plate

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The Bemis Plastic Ring for Suction Canister Wall Plate (#532710) is designed to hold the 1200cc, 2000cc, and 3000cc sized suction canisters when used with the Wall Plate for Suction Canister (#530510).

Warranty: 1 Year Limited - Free of Defects in Material, Workmanship, and Title.

Bemis canisters and liners can be used in virtually all areas of a facility including Patient Rooms, Operating Rooms, CCU, ICU, Post-Op, and Recovery.


Bemis Plastic Ring for Suction Canister Wall Plate Specifications

  • Dimensions: 9.69" (L) x 2.94" (W) x 2.75" (H) (24.61 cm x 7.46 cm x 6.99 cm).
  • Diameter: 5.625" (14.29 cm).


Bemis Plastic Ring for Suction Canister Wall Plate Literature

Bemis Suction Canisters Brochure

Bemis Wall Plate for Suction Canister Literature

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