Tuttnauer LABSCI 15L Electronic Benchtop Autoclave

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The Tuttnauer LABSCI 15L Electronic Benchtop Autoclave includes trays and an autoclave stand. It's designed to sterilize plastic, liquids, tools, glassware, and certain garments.

Warranty: 2 Years.

The Tuttnauer LABSCI 15L Electronic Benchtop Autoclave measures 28.3" x 21.3" x 30.1", with a chamber that measures 15" x 19.7". It comes with slots available for 16 custom cycles on the unit, but an additional 200 cycles can be saved to an adjoining PC with the unit. There are four validated cycles readily available: glass, plastic, liquid A and liquid B-waste. Each autoclave includes the following options as well: warming, isothermal, 21 CFR with R.PC.R software, Biohazard filter, and over pressure cycle to protect sealed bags and containers.

This benchtop unit doesn't require any plumbing connections. All it needs is to be plugged in and water in the reservoir to get started.


Tuttnauer LABSCI 15L Electronic Benchtop Autoclave Features

  • Can create 16 custom cycles in unit, and save an additional 200 cycles on a PC.
  • No plumbing connections needed - just fill reservoir with water and plug in.
  • Designed to sterilize plastic, liquids, tools, small garments, and glass.
  • Contains a warming and isothermal mode.


Tuttnauer LABSCI 15L Electronic Benchtop Autoclave Specifications

  • Chamber Volume: 65 L.
  • Max Available Height: 12.1".
  • Chamber Dimensions: 15" x 19.7".
  • External Dimensions: 28.3" x 21.3" x 30.1".
  • Power: 230 V, 1 phase (60 Hz), NEMA 6-15.
  • Utilities: No plumbing required.
  • Autoclave Stand: Free with Autoclave.


Tuttnauer LABSCI 15L Electronic Benchtop Autoclave Literature

Tuttnauer LabSci Steam Sterilizers Brochure

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