The SleepSense Thermocouple Flow Sensor Adult-Safety DIN Connector (# 1472) helps track flow changes, rather than just temperature.
Unlike thermistors, which are resistors that change their resistance when temperature changes, thermocouples produce a small voltage in response to temperature changes. Thermistors also require power from an interface cable whereas thermocouples produce their own signal. As a result, thermocouples produce a smaller signal.
Warranty: 6 Months - Free of Defects in Materials and Quality Workmanship.
NOTE: SleepSense items are for professional use only, and are for sale by or on the order of a physician only.
SleepSense Thermocouple Flow Sensor Adult-Safety DIN Connector Compatibilty:
The SleepSense Thermocouple Flow Sensor Adult-Safety DIN Connector is compatible with the following products from these medical brands:
CareFusion | SensorMedics Viasys |
SomnoStar z4 | |
Cadwell | Easy III |
CompuMedics | Grael HD PSG |
CompuMedics Somte | |
CompuMedics E Series | |
Natus | Sandman 32 |
Xltek | |
Biologic | |
Grass | |
Stellate | |
Nihon Kohden | Polysmith |
NeuroVirtual | BWII PSG |