The SleepSense Piezo Limb Movement Sensor (#1771) is strategically strapped to the foot to monitor limb movements. This sensor produces output from strong movement, but also even when there are minute movements of a single toe. It is equipped with a key connector and is also available in a kit (#1771-Kit).
Warranty: 1 Year - Free of Defects in Materials and Quality Workmanship.
The Piezo Limb Movement Sensor is compatible and commonly used with the Natus Embla S4500 and N7000 PSG systems.
SleepSense sleep-lab sensors are intended for use on children and adult patients who are screened during sleep disorder studies at a sleep laboratory or the patient's home.
Note: SleepSense items are for professional use only, and are for sale by or on the order of a physician only.
SleepSense Piezo Limb Movement Sensor Specifications
- Operating Conditions: 40 to 104 °F (5 to 40 °C).
- Storage Temperature: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C).
- Operating and Storage Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing).