The SleepSense Alice 6 Piezo Snore Sensor (#1267) provides a signal proportional to the vibrations of the skin, and is immune to ambient noise.
Warranty: 6 Months - Free of Defects in Materials and Quality Workmanship.
Compatibility: The SleepSense Alice 6 Piezo Snore Sensor is compatible with the Philips Respironics Alice 6 unit.
NOTE: SleepSense items are for professional use only, and are for sale by or on the order of a physician only.
SleepSense Alice 6 Piezo Snore Sensor Specifications
- Cable: White PVC insulation wire.
- Sensor Design: Round flexible TPE disc.
- Length: 200 cm.
- Recommended Filter Settings (or as recommended in the system's instructions):
- High Pass: 50 Hz.
- Low Pass: 500 Hz.
- Signal Output: Approximately 1 mV for loud snoring.
- Operating Conditions: 40 to 104 °F.
- Storage Temperature: -4 to 140 °F.
- Operating and Storage Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing).