Mettler Universal Applicator Cable

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The Mettler Universal Applicator Cable (#7391) is designed for use with the Sonicator 715, 716, 720, 730, 740, and 740x Therapeutic Ultrasound Units.

Warranty: 90 Days.

Ultrasound applicators can be changed quickly and easily using Mettler's unique Universal Applicator Cable (six feet long). Instead of having multiple attached cables, there is only one. The cable can be changed out if damaged without needing to send the entire applicator assembly in for repair, saving time and money.

This unique cable is the only truly detachable cable on the market. It detaches from both ends of the cable allowing the clinician to change applicators quick and easily. Both of these patented features cut down on service time, as well extending the overall life span of the device.

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