Joerns EasyCare Bed Deluxe Assist Handle

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The Joerns EasyCare Bed Deluxe Assist Handle is a larger, more robust handle that can be attached to the Joerns EasyCare and UltraCare Beds.

Warranty: 1 Year.

This assist handle is less obstructive than a full bed rail, and provides the same support when grasped for balance. It's secured to the bed frame, and stays in place even when the bed is in a different position This handle also has the optional holder for the hand pendant, keeping it out of the way while being within reach.

The handle can also be removed for storage.


Joerns EasyCare Bed Deluxe Assist Handle Configurations

  • #F028-PNHLDR: With Integrated Pendant Holder.
  • #F028-NO-PNHLDR: Without Integrated Pendant Holder.


Joerns EasyCare Bed Deluxe Assist Handle Literature

Joerns EasyCare Bed Brochure

Joerns Assist Handle Manual

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