Surgimedics Surgifresh Protection Plus ULPA Filter

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The Surgimedics Surgifresh Protection Plus ULPA Filter (#901307) is designed for use in the Surgifresh Turbo Smoke Evacuation System. The purpose of the VLSI grade 2 ULPA filter is to remove bacteria and virus-size particulate, toxic gases, and odor from laser plume or surgical smoke. While suitable for use in both laser and electrosurgical procedures, it is especially recommended for procedures that create offensive odor and gases, such as the odor created during laser hair removal. The ULPA Protection-Plus Filter contains 25% more specialty blended, activated carbon for maximum odor removal.

Plus Filters eliminate smell better than the standard filters, and are thus generally used in private practices, where smells matter more than a big hospital.

With regular replacement of the pre-filter, the ULPA Protection-Plus Filter can last up to 90 days before needing to be changed. When to change the ULPA filter in the smoke evacuator is always dependent on the number of procedures and the amount of surgical smoke plume created since replacement of the ULPA filter in Surgimedics' smoke evacuator, so is not time based. Usually when a lingering odor is noticed or the suction pressure has decreased, the filter needs to be changed. All Surgimedics smoke evacuation systems are provided with a filter test mode to monitor the useful life of the ULPA filter.

Ultra Low Penetration Air (ULPA) Filters: At the heart of every Surgimedics smoke evacuator system is a sophisticated, powerful ultra low penetration air filter made exclusively for use with our products. Designed to filter out toxic chemicals and pathogens as small as 0.1 μ with an efficiency rating of 99.9995%, our ULPA filters represent your first and best line of defense against exposure to the more than 40 harmful compounds commonly found in surgical plumes.

Surgimedics ULPA Filters are the perfect complement to the low and high flow rates and large capture capacity of our SurgiFresh Turbo Evacuator. Our ULPA Filters use a special 3-tier technology to filter out contaminants by inertial impaction, interception, and diffusion. Additionally, all filters have been designed to contain unpleasant odors, making them ideal for use in environments - such as laser hair clinics - where lingering smells can be a frustrating problem.


Surgimedics Surgifresh Protection Plus ULPA Filter Specifications

  • Filtration Efficiency: 99.9995% efficient down to 0.1 micron particles.
  • Filter Life: Up to 90 days maximum.
  • ULPA Media: Yes.
  • Activated Carbon: Yes.
  • Useful Life: 12 hours.
  • Non-sterile.


Surgimedics Surgifresh Protection Plus ULPA Filter Literature

CLS-Surgimedics Product Brochure

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