Safetec Spill Leader Kit

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Safetec of America Kit, Spill Leader (Available to Continental US & Canada dealers only). Wall-mounted spill kit designed for emergency response or hazardous lab spills. The solid solutions neutralize, stabilize, and solidify a variety of aqueous spills wherever they occur. Each kit contains: Nitrile Gloves (3 Pairs), Red Z® Solidifier (5 oz. Bottle), Green-Z® Solidifier (5 oz. Bottle), Acid Lock® Solidifier (5 oz. Bottle), Alky® Solidifier (5 oz. Bottle), Petro Lock Absorbent (2 oz. Bottle), Scoop/Scraper (6), Zip Lock Bags (6 / 9"x12"), Hazardous Waste D.O.T. Label (2), and Non-Hazardous Waste D.O.T. Label (2).
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