Medtronic Novafil™ Monofilament Polybutester Sutures

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Medtronic Novafil™ Monofilament Polybutester Sutures. NOVAFIL™ nonabsorbable monofilament surgical sutures are composed of polybutester, a copolymer of butylene terephthalate and polytetramethylene ether glycol. The unique properties of NOVAFIL™ monofilament suture are attributed to the composition and structure of the polybutester fiber which give the suture: Suppleness and easy handling; Unique elasticity and flexibility; Excellent knot security; Less tissue drag and smooth knot run-down; Fray resistance; Unique resistance to creep and structural fatigue. The use of this suture is contraindicated in patients with known sensitivities or allergies to its components.
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