Gc America, Inc. Gc America Fuji Traige® Ep

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Gc America, Inc. Gc America Fuji Traige® Ep. As a flowable, high-fluoride-releasing glass ionomer, GC Fuji TRIAGE® EP is moisture-tolerant during application, making it well-suited as a protection material for erupting molars where saliva controls can be compromised. In fact, GC Fuji TRAIGE® EP works so well in this environment that you can begin placing it immediately after erupton whithout etching, isolating or drying the tooth. Available in two colors for different applications: GC Fuji TRAIGE® EP Pink: Helps identify margins during application while communicating its temprary nature; Maintains a low shade value to help it blend into the oral environment; Almost invisible when used in a thin layer to protect non-carious lesions, toothbrush abrasion or exposed root surfaces; Offers a "Command Set" to speed up cure time by light-curing with halogen/plasma curing light - this material does not photopolymerize; it sppeds up curing tiem by absorbing heat from the light: GC Fuji TRAIGE® White: Protects fully erupted teeth; Protects anterior facial surfaces; Used where aesthetic demands by the patient or parent ourweight the need for clear visual recognition and the "Command Set" is not available in GC Fuji TRAIGE® EP White.
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