ADC Binaural Tubing for Miscellaneous Adscope Clinician and Pediatric Stethoscopes

- SKU: ADC-603-05BD
Condition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory NewCondition: Factory New
Warranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: LifetimeWarranty: Lifetime
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MPN: 603-05BDMPN: 603-05BKMPN: 603-05DGMPN: 603-05GMPN: 603-05LVMPN: 603-05NMPN: 603-05OMPN: 603-05RMPN: 603-05RBMPN: 603-05TLMPN: 603-05TQMPN: 603-05VMPN: 603-05LBMPN: 603-05FGMPN: 603-05FLMPN: 603-05FRBMPN: 603-05FSMPN: 603-05FVMPN: 603-05MCAMPN: 603-05MCBMPN: 603-05MGMPN: 603-05MRSMPN: 603-05PMPN: 603-05COPMPN: 603-05STMPN: 603-05GP
- Phone: (800) 232-2670
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The ADC Binaural Tubing for Miscellaneous Adscope Clinician and Pediatric Stethoscopes can be used to replace the binaural tubing assembly for a variety of Adscope Clinician and Pediatric Stethoscopes. The headset offers stainless-steel binaurals that are fixed at a 15 degrees angle for greater comfort and a reinforcing yoke that's molded into flexible 22" PVC tubing.
Warranty: Lifetime.
Note: This is the replacement for the binaural tubing assembly only and does not include the chestpiece.
ADC Binaural Tubing for Miscellaneous Adscope Clinician and Pediatric Stethoscopes Features
- This binaural tubing assembly can replace the tubing for the following ADC stethoscopes:
- ADC Adscope 603 Clinician Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope 604 Pediatric Clinician Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope 605 Infant Clinician Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope 608 Convertible Clinician Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope-Lite 612 Platinum Clinician Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope-Lite 614 Platinum Pediatric Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope 615 Platinum Clinician Stethoscope.
- ADC Adscope 655 Vistascope Acrylic Clinician Stethoscope.
- Available in 27 different colors:
- Burgundy (#603-05BD).
- Black (#603-05BK).
- Dark Green (#603-05DG).
- Gray (#603-05G).
- Lavender (#603-05LV).
- Navy (#603-05N).
- Orange (#603-05O).
- Red (#603-05R).
- Royal Blue (#603-05RB).
- Teal (#603-05TL).
- Turquoise (#603-05TQ).
- Purple (#603-05V).
- Light Blue (#603-05LB).
- Frosted Glacier (#603-05FG).
- Frosted Lilac (#603-05FL).
- Frosted Royal Blue (#603-05FRB).
- Frosted Seafoam (#603-05FS).
- Frosted Purple (#603-05FV).
- Metallic Caribbean (#603-05MCA).
- Metallic Ceil Blue (#603-05MCB).
- Metallic Gray (#603-05MG).
- Metallic Raspberry (#603-05MRS).
- Metallic Orchid Haze (#603-05OH).
- Pink (#603-05P).
- Copper Finish/Black Tubing (#603-05COP).
- Tactical (#603-05ST).
- Gold Finish/Black Tubing (#603-05GP).
- Reinforcing yoke molded into 22" PVC "Y" tubing.
- Tubing is soft and flexible and has been made without phthalates since 2014.
- Stainless-steel binaurals fixed at 15 degrees angle for greater comfort.
- Adsoft Plus silicone eartips with new snap-on connection for the ultimate in wearing comfort and acoustic seal.
- Assembled, inspected, and packaged in the USA.
ADC Binaural Tubing for Miscellaneous Adscope Clinician and Pediatric Stethoscopes Specifications
- Headset Type: Clinician.
- Headset Material: Stainless.
- Headset Finish: Satin.
- Headset Finish Copper Finish/Black Tubing (#603-05COP): Copper.
- Headset Finish Tactical (#603-05ST): Tactical.
- Headset Finish Gold Finish/Black Tubing (#603-05GP): Gold.
- Tubing Length: 21" (53 cm).
Media and Literature
ADC Binaural Tubing for Miscellaneous Adscope Clinician and Pediatric Stethoscopes Media and Literature
Comfortable good tube, high quality
ADC Binaural Tubing for Miscellaneous...